Sorting algorithms

Philippe Sigaud philippe.sigaud at
Mon Oct 15 05:11:39 PDT 2012

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Era Scarecrow <rtcvb32 at> wrote:
> On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 09:18:12 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
>> So an example area to be sorted with 16 elements would take on average
>> about 100 compares while theoretically you can do it in half that number.
>  Correction. 16 numbers would be solved in about 49 compares while an
> optimal sorting takes about 45. And for 21 numbers about 74 compares while
> optimally about 63.
>  These numbers don't seem that large, but at the same time they do.

Somewhat related: I once played with sorting networks and how to
generate them at compile time in D. It's in template tutorial on
Github. Here are some results:

Discarding LaTeX markup:

n    Sorting    Standard    ratio
     network    sort
5    324        532         1.642
10   555        1096        1.975
15   803        1679        2.091
20   1154       2314        2.005
25   1538       3244        2.109
30   2173       3508        1.614
35   4075       4120        1.011
40   5918       5269        0.890
45   7479       5959        0.797
50   9179       6435        0.701

Were n is the (predetermined) number of elements in an array and a
ratio of 2.0 means sorting networks are twice faster than
std.algo.sort in this particular case.

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