Using inout in delegate

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Tue Apr 2 07:17:45 PDT 2013

On 2013-04-02 15:03, Kenji Hara wrote:

> I think this is not a hole of inout design. In this case, the lambda
> inside foo should capture 'inout' context pointer.
> void foo (inout int[] arr)
> {
>      auto dg = {
>          foreach (i, e ; arr) {}
>      };
>      pragma(msg, typeof(dg));  // should print "void delegate() inout"
>      dg();
> }
>> I'm assuming the issue is that the compiler is trying to generate a
>> struct to hold the stack data for foo, and struct members cannot be
>> inout.
> It is true, but in this case, the context which is implicitly captured
> by closure is not directly accessible from programmers. So qualifying it
> 'inout' is safe.
>> It is a difficult problem to solve, because inout has two meanings
>> depending on whether it is a parameter/return or a local variable.  At
>> some point, we need to address this, because inout has so much
>> potential, but suffers from some large deficiencies.
> And, inout closure cannot escape from enclosing inout function.
> auto foo(inout int[] arr)
> {
>      auto dg = (inout int[] a)
>      {
>          return arr;   // returns captured inout 'arr'
>      };
>      return dg;  // escape! (should be rejected statically)
> }
> If compiler does not reject escape...
> void main()
> {
>      const int[] a = [3, 4, 5];
>      auto dg = foo(a);
>      // typeof(dg) == inout(int[]) delegate(inout(int[]))
>      int[] b = dg([]);
>      assert(b.ptr == a.ptr);  // type-system breaking!
> }
> Kenji Hara

Then I should probably report this as an issue.

/Jacob Carlborg

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