Win32 + OpenGL bindings

evilrat evilrat666 at
Mon Apr 22 06:25:18 PDT 2013

On Monday, 22 April 2013 at 12:54:32 UTC, Diggory wrote:
> ...
> I realise D is still fairly young so it's unreasonable to 
> expect everything to already exist, but at least enough 
> information should be given to be able to correctly add things 
> that don't.

it's not that young, but i agree the whole site is quite 
outdated, under-maintained and uninformative on some concepts, 
therefore making lot of people who accidentally found D to 
quickly abandon learning it, also turning some of them into very 
haters :(

the real problem is that you need to really want to use D, not 
just "i wish there be cool language with wow features that super 
easy to learn and use..."

oops, some offtopic.

btw i really recommend w32api bindings and derelict3(since it's 
really crossplatform and easy to build and use) for opengl. it 
also helps to avoid some problems with manual pointer loading 
when you messed up function signature/name resulting in not 
loading gl funcs which in result leads to happy debugging time.

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