Get class size of object

JS js.mdnq at
Sun Aug 11 11:33:18 PDT 2013

I think you're missing the point to some degree(I realize there 
is a diff between an object and a type, but I should be able to 
easily get the class size of an object at run time regardless if 
the object is typed as a base class). The code below does this, 
but at a cost of verbosity.

Here is code that exactly demonstrates what I am essentially 
trying to do. The only drawback now is having to mixin the 
template for each class which I would want to automate and it 
would be nice to wrap the RT and CT methods in subclasses without 

Note, I can easily get the class size, name, etc... by using the 
object or the type.

import std.stdio;

mixin template tObject(alias T)
	override @property int classSize() { return 
__traits(classInstanceSize, T); };
	override @property string className() { return T.stringof; };
	immutable static int ClassSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);
	immutable static string ClassName = T.stringof;
	static T New(Args...)(Args args) { writeln(T.ClassSize); return 
new T(args); }


interface iObject(T)
	@property int classSize();
	@property string className();

class A : iObject!A
	double x;
         mixin tObject!A;

class B : A
	double y;
         mixin tObject!B;
	double z, t;

void main()
	A a = A.New();
         A b = B.New();

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