Task to throw away string parts, use joiner and splitter not very successful

Rémy Mouëza remy.moueza at gmail.com
Tue Dec 31 13:23:07 PST 2013

As Chris wrote, using double quotes to use strings instead of char 
solves the typing issse.

I'd also suggest the following alternative, if you're going to discard a 
lot of last elements in your code:
     import std.stdio;
     import std.algorithm;
     import std.array;
     import std.range;

     /// Return seq without its last element.
     auto poppedBack (T) (T seq) if (isInputRange!T) {
         seq.popBack; // Discards the last element.
         return seq;

     void main () {
         // Prints "this.is.a".
             .splitter (".")
             .joiner (".")

On 12/31/2013 09:57 PM, Chris Cain wrote:
> On Tuesday, 31 December 2013 at 20:49:55 UTC, Dfr wrote:
>> Hello, i have string like "this.is.a.string" and want to throw away
>> some parts separated by dots, here is first attempt:
>> name = "this.is.a.string"; // <-- want to make "this.is.a" from this
>> auto nameparts = splitter(name, '.');
>> auto name1 = joiner(nameparts[0 .. $-1], '.');
>> And got this error: "Error: Result cannot be sliced with []"
>> So, kinda fixed it (correct way?):
>> name = "this.is.a.string";
>> auto nameparts = splitter(name, '.').array;
>> auto name1 = joiner(nameparts[0 .. $-1], '.');
>> got this:
>> Error: template std.algorithm.joiner does not match any function
>> template declaration. Candidates are:
>> /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/algorithm.d(2846):
>> std.algorithm.joiner(RoR, Separator)(RoR r, Separator sep) if
>> (isInputRange!RoR && isInputRange!(ElementType!RoR) &&
>> isForwardRange!Separator && is(ElementType!Separator :
>> ElementType!(ElementType!RoR)))
>> Stuck here, thank you for any help.
>  From your error message: isForwardRange!Separator
> Your separator is a character, which isn't a forward range. Try this:
> `auto name1 = joiner(nameparts[0 .. $-1], ".");`

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