task! with a static template method gives "null this"

Ali Çehreli acehreli at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 23 17:09:06 PST 2013

On 02/23/2013 03:23 PM, Lee Braiden wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm defining a template class with a static method, and adding a call to
> that to a taskpool.  However, when I run it, I get a "null this" error
> from parallelism.d.
> Here's the minimised code:
> class Population(GeneType)
> {
> 	alias Population!(GeneType) ThisType;
> 	static void breedIndividual(ThisType oldPop, ThisType newPop)
> 	{
> 		auto mom = oldPop.selectParent();
> 		auto pop = oldPop.selectParent();
> 		auto kid = mom.crossbreedFrom(pop);
> 		// chance of mutation
> 		if (uniform(0, MUTATION_CHANCE) == 0)
> 		{
> 		    auto oldFitness = kid.fitness();
> 		    kid.dna.mutate();
> 		    auto newFitness = kid.fitness();
> 		}
> 		newPop.lifeforms_ ~= kid;
> 	}
> 	ThisType evolve(TaskPool p)
> 	{
> 		...
> 		auto t = task!breedIndividual(this, newPop)
> 		...
> 	}
> }
> The actual error message is:
> core.exception.AssertError@/usr/include/d2/4.6/std/parallelism.d(2723):
> null this
> There is no "this" usage that I can see, in the breedIndividual()
> (static) method... EXCEPT maybe for the fact that ThisType depends on the
> template class expansion.  But that's all expanded at compile-time, and
> doesn't matter, right?
> So I'm not sure how to solve this.  My first thought was to move
> breedIndividual out of the class, but it does depend on ThisType, as
> defined in the class template.
> Am I right that this is what's causing the "null this" error?  If so,
> what can I do to fix it?
> Thanks,

The following is minimized code, which does not have any compilation errors:

import std.parallelism;
import std.random;

enum mutationChance = 1000;
alias MUTATION_CHANCE = mutationChance;

class Population(GeneType)
     alias Population!(GeneType) ThisType;

     static void breedIndividual(ThisType oldPop, ThisType newPop)
         auto mom = oldPop.selectParent();
         auto pop = oldPop.selectParent();

         auto kid = mom.crossbreedFrom(pop);

         // chance of mutation
         if (uniform(0, MUTATION_CHANCE) == 0)
             auto oldFitness = kid.fitness();
             auto newFitness = kid.fitness();

         newPop.lifeforms_ ~= kid;

     ThisType evolve(TaskPool p)
         // ...

         auto newPop = new ThisType;
         auto t = task!breedIndividual(this, newPop);

         // ...

         return new ThisType;

     ThisType selectParent()
         return new ThisType;

     ThisType crossbreedFrom(ThisType)
         return new ThisType;

     int fitness()
         return 42;

     struct Dna
         void mutate()

     Dna dna()
         return Dna();

     ThisType[] lifeforms_;

void main()
     auto p = new Population!int;

You can replace my stub functions with your code to help identify the 


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