Phobos Members-Tuple function?

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Sat Jan 19 18:41:08 PST 2013

On 01/19/2013 12:10 PM, F i L wrote:
 > Is there a function in phobos which will return a Tuple of a Type's
 > members, for use in a foreach statement?

The following program produces this output:

member update
   attribute Bind("Stage.update")
     Binding actor with pattern Stage.update
member draw
   attribute Bind("Canvas.draw")
     Binding actor with pattern Canvas.draw
member toString
member toHash
member opCmp
member opEquals
member Monitor
member factory

I had to use a mixin and had to move __traits(allMembers) into the 
foreach loop. It was necessary so that 'm' could be evaluated at compile 
time. I can kind of see why but one would expect your 'enum mbrs' to 
work as well.

import std.stdio;

interface Actor

struct Bind
     string pattern;

class Ship : Actor
     @Bind("Stage.update") void update()
         // ...

     @Bind("Canvas.draw") void draw()
         // ...

class Engine
     static bindActors(Actor, string pattern)
         writefln("    Binding actor with pattern %s", pattern);

void main()
     auto ship = new Ship;
     alias T = typeof(ship);

     foreach (m; __traits(allMembers, T))
         writefln("member %s", m);

         enum atrs = __traits(getAttributes, mixin(T.stringof ~ "." ~ m));
         foreach (a; atrs)
             writefln("  attribute %s", a);
             if (is(typeof(a) == Bind))
                 Engine.bindActors(ship, a.pattern);


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