Looking for command for synchronization of threads

Sparsh Mittal sparsh0mittal at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 18:29:23 PST 2013

> I suggest looking at std.parallelism since it's designed for 
> this kind of thing.  That aside, all traditional 
> synchronization methods are in core.sync.  The equivalent of 
> "sync" in Cylk would be core.sync.barrier.

Thanks. I wrote this:

#!/usr/bin/env rdmd

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;
import std.algorithm;
import core.sync.barrier;
import core.thread;

void sorter(Tid owner, shared(int)[] sliceToSort, int mynumber)
     writefln("Came inside  %s", mynumber);
     writefln("Going out of %s", mynumber);


void main()
     shared numbers = [ 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ];
     auto barrier = new Barrier(2);
     spawn(&sorter, thisTid, numbers[0 .. $ / 2],  0);
     spawn(&sorter, thisTid, numbers[$ / 2 .. $],1 );

     writefln("Waiting for barrier in main");


It compiles but barrier does not get released. Can you please 
point out the fault. Pardon my mistake. I searched whole web, 
there are almost no examples of it online.

I saw this: 

but it does not compile.

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