Template constraints and opAdd

John dont at email.me
Mon Jul 1 16:36:26 PDT 2013

I'm getting conflicting templates in this struct and I'm not sure 
how. I specifically excluded the second definition of opAdd from 
using type T in place of O but the compiler still tells me I'm 
getting template conflicts.

Compiler error using Mass!(double,string):

Error: template mass.Mass!(double,string).Mass.opAdd(O) if 
((typeof(O)) != (typeof(T))) conflicts with function 
mass.Mass!(double,string).Mass.opAdd at src\mass.d(38)

I have a struct:

struct Mass(T, S) {
	Mass!(T,S) opAdd(Mass!(T,S) other) {
		return op!"+"(other);
	Mass!(O,S) opAdd(O)(Mass!(O,S) other) if (typeof(O) != 
typeof(T)) {
		return op!"+"(other);

And I'm trying to do something like:

	Mass!(double,string) first = ...
	Mass!(double,string) second = ...
	auto result = first + second;

I'm trying to add a Mass!(double,string) + Mass!(double,string), 
which should mean the second template gets ignored since T=double 
and O=double.

What am I missing?

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