creating a variadic interface

John Colvin john.loughran.colvin at
Mon Jul 8 03:16:21 PDT 2013

On Monday, 8 July 2013 at 09:34:46 UTC, JS wrote:
> this may seem a bit nonsensical but it is just an example:
> interface A(T, S...)
> {
>    ... Generate a getter for each type in S...
>    // e.g., @property S[0] property1();
>    //       @property S[1] property2();
>    // ....
> }
> I imagine I have to use a mixin template but I'm unsure how to 
> create a static loop that can be used properly.
> I think maybe using mixin's of mixin's is possible but I can't 
> think of any simple way. Any ideas?

Here you go :)

//just to hide the string mixin.
mixin template Getters(S ...)

import std.conv : to;
template GettersImpl(S ...)
	static if(S.length == 0)
		enum GettersImpl = "";
	else static if(S.length == 1)
		enum GettersImpl = "@property " ~ (S[$-1]).stringof ~ " 
property" ~ to!string(S.length) ~ "();\n";
		enum GettersImpl = "@property " ~ (S[$-1]).stringof ~ " 
property" ~ to!string(S.length) ~ "();\n"
						   ~ GettersImpl!(S[0..$-1]);

interface A(S...)
	mixin Getters!S;

class B : A!(int, long, string)
	//if everything works, we get errors here for missing methods.

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