Often repeated array allocations

Namespace rswhite4 at googlemail.com
Sun Jul 21 14:19:32 PDT 2013

> My analogy goes as follows: a chunk of memory for temporary 
> needs => scratch pad (as in sheet of paper for quick 
> notes/sketches).
> Something along the lines of:
> class A{
> 	static float[] buffer;
> 	static this(){
> 		buffer = new float[as_big_as_it_gets];
> 	}
> 	void foo(){
> 		float[] tempAlloc = buffer[0..need_this_much];
> 		tempAlloc[] = 0.0;
> 		...
> 	}	
> }
> As long as foo is not called recursively should just work. 
> Other thing that may wreck this is if foo is called in Fiber 
> context and uses yeild internally.
> One may as well fall back to option 3 in rare cases where 
> scratch pad is too small to fit the bill.

I really like the idea.
I've changed it a bit:
I have a float[1024] buffer which is used, as long as the 
requested size is less than 1024. If it's greater, I will 
temporary allocate the whole array with new float[Size];
Any improvements? Or is 1024 to small / big?

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