Fastest way to compare dates using two unix timestamps?

Gary Willoughby dev at
Fri Jul 26 12:51:39 PDT 2013

I'm writing a program that deals a lot with dates in unix 
timestamp format. I need to 'normalise' this timestamp to only 
give me the date and not the time. To do this i thought of using 
only midnight on that day.

Here is the first attempt to normalise these dates:

	protected uint trimUnixToDate(uint unixTimeStamp)
		auto time   = SysTime(unixTimeToStdTime(unixTimeStamp));
		auto offset = time.dstInEffect ? 3600 : 0;

		return (unixTimeStamp - (unixTimeStamp % 86400)) - offset;

While this works (for my timezone and DST settings) it is slow. 
Is there a faster way to do this?

Or how can i compare two timestamps and only compare the date 
contained within, not the time?

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