Alias/template for value

Joseph Rushton Wakeling joseph.wakeling at
Wed Jul 31 04:15:22 PDT 2013

Hi all,

When playing with the graph library code, I noticed something odd.

Here's a function to calculate the neighbours of a vertex:

        auto neighbours(immutable size_t v)
            immutable size_t start = _sumTail[v] + _sumHead[v];
            immutable size_t end = _sumTail[v + 1] + _sumHead[v + 1];
                size_t j = start;
                foreach (i; _sumTail[v] .. _sumTail[v + 1])
                    _neighbours[j] = _head[_indexTail[i]];
                foreach (i; _sumHead[v] .. _sumHead[v + 1])
                    _neighbours[j] = _tail[_indexHead[i]];
                assert(j == end);
                _cacheNeighbours[v] = true;
            return _neighbours[start .. end];

Now, I noticed that if instead of declaring the variables start, end, I instead
manually write out these expressions in the code, I get a small but consistent
speedup in the program.

So, I'm curious (i) Why?  As I'd have assumed the compiler could optimize away
unnecessary variables like this, and (ii) is there a way of declaring start/end
in the code such that at compile time the correct expression will be put in
place where it's needed?

I'm guessing some kind of template solution, but I didn't get it working (I
probably need to study templates more:-).

(... knocks head against wall to try and dislodge current micro-optimization
obsession ...)

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