How to expand an expression along with a parameter tuple?

TommiT tommitissari at
Sun Jun 16 23:19:45 PDT 2013

I can't figure out how to do the following C++ code in D:

int arr[] = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 11 };

template <typename... T>
void foo(T... values) { }

template <typename... T>
void bar(T... values)
     foo((arr[values] * 10)...);

int main()
     bar(1, 3, 4); /* calls foo(arr[1] * 10,
                                arr[3] * 10,
                                arr[4] * 10); */
     return 0;

This is how I tried to do it in D, but it doesn't work:

import std.conv;
import std.typetuple;

int[5] arr = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 11 ];

void foo(T...)(T values) { }

void bar(T...)(T values)
     foo(expandWrapped!("arr[@] * 10", values));

template expandWrapped(string fmt, X...)
     string compose()
         string ret = "alias expandWrapped = TypeTuple!(";

         foreach (i; 0 .. X.length)
             auto iStr = to!string(i);

             foreach (ch; fmt)
                 if (ch == '@')
                     ret ~= "X[" ~ iStr ~ "]";
                     ret ~= ch;

             if (i != X.length - 1)
                 ret ~= ",";
         ret ~= ");";
         return ret;
     mixin(compose()); // [1]

void main()
     bar(1, 3, 4);

1) Error: variable arr cannot be read at compile time

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