Figuring out the returntype opDipatch

TheFlyingFiddle theflyingfiddle at
Sat Nov 2 19:15:57 PDT 2013

> Can you provide a little more complete code please. Otherwise, 
> the return type is available to typeof:
> import std.stdio;
> struct S
> {
>     auto opDispatch(string name, T...)(T parameters)
>     {
>         writef("S.%s:", name);
>         foreach (parameter; parameters) {
>             writef(" %s", parameter);
>         }
>         writeln();
>         return parameters[$/2];
>     }
> }
> void main()
> {
>     auto s = S();
>     auto r0 =, 1.5, "hi");
>     auto r1 ="hello", 'a', 100);
>     static assert (is (typeof(r0) == double));
>     static assert (is (typeof(r1) == char));
> }
> Ali

In the IReflectionable interface:

interface IReflectionable
     final P funcPtr(P)(string fun) if (is(P == delegate))
         //Using mangeling for overloads and type safety
	auto ptr = delPtr_impl(mangle!P(fun));

	P del;
	del.ptr = cast(typeof(del.ptr))ptr[0];
	del.funcptr = cast(typeof(del.funcptr))ptr[1];
	return del;

     final P funcPtr(P)(string fun) if (is(P == function))
         //Using mangeling for overloads and type safety
	auto ptr = funcPtr_impl(mangle!(P)(fun));
	return cast(P)ptr;

     final ?? opDispatch(string name, Params...)(Params params)
        alias ?? delegate(Params) del_type;
        auto del = funcPtr!(del_type)(name);

        static if(?? == void)
           return del(params);

     protected Tuple!(void*, void*) delPtr_impl(string s);
     protected void* funcPtr_impl(string s);

What i'm interested in is determining what type ?? should be. 
Variant works but if possible i would like to avoid it. This 
would require me to know about the code at the invokation site. 
(So i'm guessing it might not be possible)

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