Windows SetConsoleScreenBufferSize() returning an odd error code

webwraith webwraith at
Sat Oct 5 10:57:00 PDT 2013

On Saturday, 5 October 2013 at 11:24:49 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic 
> On 10/5/13, webwraith <webwraith at> wrote:
>> Could someone give this code the quick once over and tell me
>> where I'm going wrong, or simply how to get this to work?
> In the docs:
> It says:
> dwSize [in]
>     A COORD structure that specifies the new size of the console
> screen buffer, in character rows and columns. The specified 
> width and
> height cannot be less than the width and height of the console 
> screen
> buffer's window.
> **The specified dimensions also cannot be less than the minimum 
> size
> allowed by the system.  This minimum depends on the current 
> font size
> for the console (selected by the user) and the SM_CXMIN and 
> values returned by the GetSystemMetrics function.**
> So you need to make these calls:
> -----
> short width  = cast(short)(csbi.srWindow.Right - 
> csbi.srWindow.Left);
> short height = cast(short)(csbi.srWindow.Bottom - 
> csbi.srWindow.Top);
> auto minX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMIN);
> auto minY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMIN);
> c.X = cast(short)max(minX, width);
> c.Y = cast(short)max(minY, height);
> -----
> Also make sure to import std.algorithm to use the max() 
> function.

Thank you for pointing that out. It's a pity it's both annoying 
and confusing.
According to my system, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMIN) returns 132, 
and GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMIN) returns 38, despite the fact that 
I can go into the preferences on the console window in question, 
and create a screen buffer that is 80x20, and even my intended 
60x30. Truly frustrating...

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