Getting the missing Windows functions

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Sun Oct 6 12:59:38 PDT 2013

On Sunday, 6 October 2013 at 19:44:16 UTC, Matt wrote:
> I have noticed that a number of the current Windows C functions 
> are not in
> I tried adding them to the module (after setting up source 
> control so I can roll back any errors I might make), and found 
> that Optlink wasn't finding the functions to resolve the 
> symbols to. How do I go about getting the libraries that have 
> the missing functionality, and once I have it, is it simply a 
> case of editing the above module to make them available?

Please see the following project for an updated binding to 
Windows functions:

Typically you link to one of the distributed Windows DLLs via an 
import library, e.g. you would pass "kernel32.lib" at the 
command-line when calling DMD for any functions in the kernel32 
DLL. kernel32.lib is the import lib, and it's distributed along 
with DMD.

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