Function pointer to member function.

TheFlyingFiddle theflyingfiddle at
Thu Oct 17 14:27:36 PDT 2013

On Thursday, 17 October 2013 at 03:21:38 UTC, Chris Cain wrote:
> On Thursday, 17 October 2013 at 01:17:21 UTC, TheFlyingFiddle 
> wrote:
>> I would like to get access to a member function pointer. Taking
>> the this* as
>> the first argument.
>> ...snip...
>> How should i implement getFP above? Is it even possible?
> Well, it's certainly possible. If you were to do this:
> ```
> delegate void(int) dg = &;
> dg(1);
> ```
> then you'd see the behavior you're looking for. Basically the 
> class reference is stored in dg.ptr and the function is in 
> dg.funcptr.
> With that in mind, I whipped this up:
> ```
> import std.stdio;
> class Foo {
>     char c;
>     this() {
>         c = 'a';
>     }
>     this(char _c) {
>         c = _c;
>     }
>     void bar(int i) {
>         writeln("i = ", i, " c = ", c);
>     }
> }
> import std.traits;
> //ParentOf!S is pseudocode representing __traits(parent, S)
> //ReturnType!S function(ParentOf!S, ParameterTypeTuple!S)
> auto getFP(alias S)() if(isSomeFunction!S) {
>     mixin("alias Parent = " ~ __traits(parent, S).stringof ~ 
> ";");
>     return (Parent r, ParameterTypeTuple!S t) {
>         ReturnType!S delegate(ParameterTypeTuple!S) dg;
>         dg.funcptr = &S;
>         dg.ptr = cast(void*) r;
>         return dg(t);
>     };
> }
> void main() {
>     Foo a = new Foo();
>     Foo b = new Foo('b');
>     auto fp = getFP!(;
>     fp(a, 1);
>     fp(b, 2);
> }
> ```
> Now one thing to note is that I'm not confident it's bug-free. 
> It does work in this test case, but I couldn't use 
> __traits(parent, S) as a type, so I used a mixin to kind of 
> force it to work. So I'm not fully sure whether it will work in 
> all cases, but if someone else has some improvements, that's 
> fine.
> Another thing: I didn't spend too much time on the template 
> constraint. "isSomeFunction" is almost certainly too 
> permissive. I just threw it together and I haven't coded in D 
> for a while.
> I hope this helped!

Thanks, this works well for my needs.

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