Using std.stdio.File in a class

Spacen Jasset spacenjasset at
Tue Apr 8 07:52:01 PDT 2014

I am trying to use file in a class. It doesn't seem to work. File 
is a struct. Are you not supposed to new structs anymore? The 
examples seem to use auto, but that isn't going to work in this 

Is File a struct to take advantage of Raii?

import std.stdio;

class X
         f = new File("test2", "wt");

     File f;

void main()
     X x = new X;

C:\temp>dmd file.d && file.exe
file.d(7): Error: constructor std.stdio.File.this 
(shared(_iobuf)* handle, strin
g name, uint refs = 1u, bool isPopened = false) is not callable 
using argument t
ypes (File*)

DMD32 D Compiler v2.065

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