Understanding switch + foreach

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 8 08:14:58 PDT 2014

On Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:30:30 -0400, Matej Nanut <matejnanut at gmail.com>  

> Hello,
> I don't understand why so many break statements are needed in this  
> construct:
>     immutable key = 3;
>     switch (key)
>     {
>         foreach (c; TypeTuple!(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
>         {
>             case c: "Found %s!".writefln(c);
>                     break;
>         }
>         break; // Default always gets executed without this break.
>         default:
>             "Not found %s :(".writefln(key);
>             break;
>     }
> One after each case and another one after the foreach.

First, let me say this is a cool usage of compile-time foreach, I had  
never thought of that.

Second, I think the issue is likely a bug with the break exiting the wrong  
scope. You may be able to fix it by labeling the switch scope.

For example:


       break theswitch; // should exit the switch.

I have not tested it.


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