I have modified the DFL to X64,but it's not work ,who know why not work?

FrankLike via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Wed Apr 30 03:19:41 PDT 2014

I have modified the DFL's d files ,now it can get x86 libs,and 
can get x64 libs.
on x86, dfl.lib works ok,but on x64 dfl64.lib works not ok.
This is my makelib64.bat ,who can help me?

----------------makelib64_libs.bat:make some libs for make dfl 
@rem   Make DFL x64.
@rem   http://www.dprogramming.com/dfl.php

@rem   Requires DMD and DMC's libs
@rem   Free downloads from 
http://www.digitalmars.com/d/dcompiler.html and 

@echo off
title D Build Environment  dmd Compiler x64
echo Welcome to ues D Compiler ,dmd 2014

call "%VCINSTALLDIR%\vcvarsall.bat" amd64

@echo off

@rem   Either set the environment variables dmd_path and dmc_path
@rem   or fix the paths below.

if not "%dmd_path%" == "" goto dmd_set
set dmd_path=d:\d\dmd2
set dmd_path_windows=%dmd_path%\windows
if not exist %dmd_path_windows%\bin\dmd.exe set 
if not "%dmc_path%" == "" goto dmc_set
set dmc_path=d:\d\dm

if exist "%dmc_path%" goto got_dmc
@rem @echo DMC not found; using DMD path (if you get errors, 
install DMC)
set dmc_path=%dmd_path_windows%

@rem   DMC's Basic Utilities required to make these libs.
%dmc_path%\bin\implib user64_dfl.lib user32_dfl.def

%dmc_path%\bin\implib shell64_dfl.lib shell32_dfl.def

@rem   Make DFL x64.
@rem   http://www.dprogramming.com/dfl.php

@rem   Requires DMD and DMC's libs
@rem   Free downloads from 
http://www.digitalmars.com/d/dcompiler.html and 

@echo off
title D Build Environment  dmd Compiler x64
echo Welcome to ues D Compiler ,dmd 2014

call "%VCINSTALLDIR%\vcvarsall.bat" amd64

@echo off

call makelib64_libs.bat

@rem   Either set the environment variables dmd_path and dmc_path
@rem   or fix the paths below.

if not "%dmd_path%" == "" goto dmd_set
set dmd_path=d:\d\dmd2
set dmd_path_windows=%dmd_path%\windows
if not exist %dmd_path_windows%\bin\dmd.exe set 
if not "%dmc_path%" == "" goto dmc_set
set dmc_path=d:\d\dm

if exist "%dmc_path%" goto got_dmc
@rem @echo DMC not found; using DMD path (if you get errors, 
install DMC)
set dmc_path=%dmd_path_windows%

@rem   DMC's Basic Utilities required to make these libs.
@rem   %dmc_path%\bin\implib user64_dfl.lib user32_dfl.def
@rem   @if errorlevel 1 goto oops
@rem   %dmc_path%\bin\implib shell64_dfl.lib shell32_dfl.def
@rem   @if errorlevel 1 goto oops

set _stdcwindowsd=
set _stdcwindowsobj=
if not "%dlib%" == "Tango" goto dfl_not_tango_files
set _stdcwindowsd=internal/_stdcwindows.d
set _stdcwindowsobj=_stdcwindows.obj

set dfl_files=package.d all.d base.d application.d 
internal/dlib.d internal/clib.d internal/utf.d internal/com.d 
control.d clippingform.d form.d registry.d drawing.d menu.d 
notifyicon.d commondialog.d filedialog.d folderdialog.d panel.d 
textbox.d richtextbox.d picturebox.d listbox.d groupbox.d 
splitter.d usercontrol.d button.d label.d collections.d 
internal/winapi.d internal/wincom.d event.d socket.d timer.d 
environment.d messagebox.d tooltip.d combobox.d treeview.d 
tabcontrol.d colordialog.d listview.d data.d clipboard.d 
fontdialog.d progressbar.d resources.d statusbar.d imagelist.d 
toolbar.d %_stdcwindowsd%

set dfl_objs=package.obj all.obj base.obj application.obj 
dlib.obj clib.obj utf.obj com.obj control.obj clippingform.obj 
form.obj registry.obj drawing.obj menu.obj notifyicon.obj 
commondialog.obj filedialog.obj folderdialog.obj panel.obj 
textbox.obj richtextbox.obj picturebox.obj listbox.obj 
groupbox.obj splitter.obj usercontrol.obj button.obj label.obj 
collections.obj winapi.obj wincom.obj event.obj socket.obj 
timer.obj environment.obj messagebox.obj tooltip.obj combobox.obj 
treeview.obj tabcontrol.obj colordialog.obj listview.obj data.obj 
clipboard.obj fontdialog.obj progressbar.obj resources.obj 
statusbar.obj imagelist.obj toolbar.obj %_stdcwindowsobj%

@rem   Also update link pragmas for build.
set dfl_libs_dfl=user64_dfl.lib shell64_dfl.lib olepro32_dfl.lib
set dfl_libs=%dmc_path%\lib\gdi32.lib %dmc_path%\lib\comctl32.lib 
%dmc_path%\lib\advapi32.lib %dmc_path%\lib\comdlg32.lib 
%dmc_path%\lib\ole32.lib %dmc_path%\lib\uuid.lib 
%dmd_path_windows%\lib\ws2_32.lib %dfl_libs_dfl%

@rem   -version=NO_DRAG_DROP -version=NO_MDI
@rem set dfl_flags=%dfl_flags% -debug=SHOW_MESSAGENFO
set _dfl_flags=%dfl_flags% -wi

if not "%dfl_debug_flags%" == "" goto dfl_debug_flags_set
	set dfl_debug_flags=-debug -g

if not "%dfl_release_flags%" == "" goto dfl_release_flags_set
@rem	if not "%dlib%" == "Tango" goto dfl_not_release_tango
@rem	echo Due to a bug in DMD, release mode dfl lib will not 
include -inline; use environment variable dfl_release_flags to 
@rem	set dfl_release_flags=-O -release
@rem	goto dfl_release_flags_set
@rem	:dfl_not_release_tango
	set dfl_release_flags=-O -inline -release

@echo on

@if "%dfl_ddoc%" == "" goto after_dfl_ddoc
@echo Generating ddoc documentation...

%dmd_path_windows%\bin\dmd %_dfl_flags% %dfl_options% -c -o- 
-Dddoc %dfl_files%
@if errorlevel 1 goto oops

@if "%dfl_ddoc%" == "only" goto done
@if not "%dfl_ddoc_only%" == "" goto done

@rem   @echo.
@rem   @echo Generating headers...
@rem   @del *.di
@rem   %dmd_path_windows%\bin\dmd -m64 -H -o- -c -I.. 
%_dfl_flags% %dfl_options% %dfl_files%
@rem   @if errorlevel 1 goto oops

@echo Compiling debug DFL...

%dmd_path_windows%\bin\dmd -c %dfl_debug_flags% %_dfl_flags% 
%dfl_options% -I.. %dfl_files%
@if errorlevel 1 goto oops

@echo Making debug lib...

%dmd_path_windows%\bin\dmd -lib  -ofdfl_debug64.lib -I%dfl_libs% 

@if errorlevel 1 goto oops

@echo Compiling release DFL...

%dmd_path_windows%\bin\dmd  -c %dfl_release_flags% %_dfl_flags% 
%dfl_options% -I.. %dfl_files%
@if errorlevel 1 goto oops

@echo Making release lib...

%dmd_path_windows%\bin\dmd  -lib -ofdfl64.lib -I%dfl_libs% 

@if errorlevel 1 goto oops

@echo Making build lib...

%dmd_path_windows%\bin\dmd  -lib -ofdfl_build64.lib  
@if errorlevel 1 goto oops

@rem   This file is used by dfl.exe
@echo dlib=%dlib%>dflcompile.info
@echo dfl_options=%dfl_options%>>dflcompile.info

@set dfl_failed=
@goto done
@set dfl_failed=1
@echo Failed.

@echo Done.

@rem   @del %dfl_objs%
@del *.obj

Thank you.


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