Linked list as a bidirectional range? I have some questions...

Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon Aug 11 10:51:11 PDT 2014

Just for a bit a fun i've implemented a simple doubly linked list 
and trying out some range based stuff. Whilst doing so i have 
some questions which you guys might be able to answer.

1. In your opinion when accessing the elements of a linked list 
should they yield the data stored within the nodes or the entire 
nodes themselves? Different languages do this differently. For 
example, C# yields nodes[1], Java yields data[2].

2. Suppose when accessing my linked list, it yields data and not 
nodes, how do iterate in reverse? I don't want to add unnecessary 
methods or properties.

3. How would you implement the 'save' method of a forward range 
in the context of a linked list? If my understanding is correct 
the 'saved' range is iterated and discard, so cannot use any 
references to the underlying range. This might also solve 
question 2.


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