VLA in Assembler

Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Wed Dec 17 08:10:39 PST 2014

On Wednesday, 17 December 2014 at 14:11:32 UTC, Foo wrote:
> 	asm {
> 		mov EAX, n;
> 		mov [arr + 8], ESP;
> 		sub [ESP], EAX;
> 		mov [arr + 0], EAX;
> 	}
> but that does not work...

That wouldn't work even with malloc.... remember, an integer more 
than one byte long, so your subtract is 1/4 the size it needs to 
be! Also, since the stack grows downward, you're storing the 
pointer to the end of the array instead of the beginning of it.

NOTE: I've never actually done this before, so I'm figuring it 
out as I go too. This might be buggy or otherwise mistaken at 
points. (Personally, I prefer to use a static array sized to the 
max thing I'll probably need that I slice  instead of alloca...)

Here's some code that runs successfully (in 32 bit!):

void vla(int n) {
	int[] arr;

	asm {
		mov EAX, [n];
                 // the first word in an array is the length, 
store that
		mov [arr], EAX;
		shl EAX, 2; // number of bytes == n * int.sizeof
		sub ESP, EAX; // allocate the bytes
		mov [arr + size_t.sizeof], ESP; // store the beginning of it in 
the arr.ptr

	import std.stdio;

         // initialize the data...
	foreach(i, ref a; arr)
		a = i;

	writeln(arr); // and print it back out

void main() {

This looks right.... but isn't, we changed the stack and didn't 
put it back. That's usually a no-no. If we disassemble the 
function, we can take a look at the end and see something scary:

  8084ec6:       e8 9d 6a 00 00          call   808b968 
<_D3std5stdio15__T7writelnTAiZ7writelnFAiZv>  // our final 
writeln call
  8084ecb:       5e                      pop    esi  // uh oh
  8084ecc:       5b                      pop    ebx
  8084ecd:       c9                      leave
  8084ece:       c3                      ret

Before the call to leave, which puts the stack back how it was at 
the beginning of the function - which saves us from a random EIP 
being restored upon the ret instruction - the compiler put in a 
few pop instructions.

main() will have different values in esi and ebx than it expects! 
Running it in the debugger shows these values changed too:


(gdb) info registers
ebx            0xffffd4f4       -11020
esi            0x80916e8        134813416


ebx            0x1      1
esi            0x0      0

It popped the values of our array. According to the ABI: "EBX, 
ESI, EDI, EBP must be preserved across function calls." 

They are pushed for a reason - the compiler assumes they remain 
the same.

In this little test program, nothing went wrong because no more 
code was run after vla returned. But, if we were using, say a 
struct, it'd probably fault when it tried to access `this`. It'd 
probably mess up other local variables too. No good!

So, we'll need to store and restore the stack pointer... can we 
use the stack's push and pop instructions? Nope, we're changing 
the stack! Our own pop would grab the wrong data too.

We could save it in a local variable. How do we restore it 
though? scope(exit) won't work, it won't happen at the right time 
and will corrupt the stack even worse.

Gotta do it ourselves - which means we can't do the alloca even 
as a single mixin, since it needs code added before any return 
point too!

(There might be other, better ways to do this... and indeed, 
there is, as we'll see later on. I peeked at the druntime source 
code and it does it differently. Continue reading...)

Here's code that we can verify in the debugger leaves everything 
how it should be and doesn't crash:

void vla(int n) {
	int[] arr;
	void* saved_esp;

	asm {
		mov EAX, [n];
		mov [arr], EAX;
		shl EAX, 2; // number of bytes == n * int.sizeof

                 // NEW LINE
		mov [saved_esp], ESP; // save it for later

		sub ESP, EAX;
		mov [arr + size_t.sizeof], ESP;

	import std.stdio;

	foreach(i, ref a; arr)
		a = i;


         // NEW LINE
	asm { mov ESP, [saved_esp]; } // restore it before we return

Note that this still isn't quite right - the allocated size 
should be aligned too. It works for the simple case of 8 ints 
since that's coincidentally aligned, but if we were doing like 3 
bytes, it would mess things up. Gotta be rounded up to a multiple 
of 4 or 16 on some systems.

hmm, I'm looking at the alloca source and there's a touch of a 
guard page on Windows too. Check out the file: 
dmd2/src/druntime/src/rt/alloca.d, it is written in mostly inline 

Note the comment though:

  * This is a 'magic' function that needs help from the compiler to
  * work right, do not change its name, do not call it from other 

So, how does this compare with alloca? Let's make a really simple 
example to compare and contrast with malloc to make the asm more 

import core.stdc.stdlib;

void vla(int n) {
         int[] arr;
         arr = (cast(int*)alloca(n * int.sizeof))[0 .. n];

Program runs, let's see the code.

0805f3f0 <_D3vla3vlaFiZv>:
  805f3f0:       55                      push   ebp
  805f3f1:       8b ec                   mov    ebp,esp
  805f3f3:       83 ec 10                sub    esp,0x10
  805f3f6:       c7 45 f0 10 00 00 00    mov    DWORD PTR 
  805f3fd:       89 45 fc                mov    DWORD PTR 
  805f400:       c7 45 f4 00 00 00 00    mov    DWORD PTR 
  805f407:       c7 45 f8 00 00 00 00    mov    DWORD PTR 
  805f40e:       8b 45 fc                mov    eax,DWORD PTR 
  805f411:       50                      push   eax
  805f412:       c1 e0 02                shl    eax,0x2
  805f415:       50                      push   eax
  805f416:       8d 4d f0                lea    ecx,[ebp-0x10]
  805f419:       e8 e2 01 00 00          call   805f600 <__alloca>
  805f41e:       89 c1                   mov    ecx,eax
  805f420:       83 c4 04                add    esp,0x4
  805f423:       58                      pop    eax
  805f424:       89 45 f4                mov    DWORD PTR 
  805f427:       89 4d f8                mov    DWORD PTR 
  805f42a:       c9                      leave
  805f42b:       c3                      ret

Change alloca to malloc:

0805f3f0 <_D3vla3vlaFiZv>:
  805f3f0:       55                      push   ebp
  805f3f1:       8b ec                   mov    ebp,esp
  805f3f3:       83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
  805f3f6:       89 45 fc                mov    DWORD PTR 
  805f3f9:       c7 45 f4 00 00 00 00    mov    DWORD PTR 
  805f400:       c7 45 f8 00 00 00 00    mov    DWORD PTR 
  805f407:       8b 45 fc                mov    eax,DWORD PTR 
  805f40a:       50                      push   eax
  805f40b:       c1 e0 02                shl    eax,0x2
  805f40e:       50                      push   eax
  805f40f:       e8 0c fc ff ff          call   805f020 
<malloc at plt>
  805f414:       89 c1                   mov    ecx,eax
  805f416:       83 c4 04                add    esp,0x4
  805f419:       58                      pop    eax
  805f41a:       89 45 f4                mov    DWORD PTR 
  805f41d:       89 4d f8                mov    DWORD PTR 
  805f420:       c9                      leave
  805f421:       c3                      ret


We can see on line 3 that there's an extra word allocated for a 
local variable with alloca. It is loaded with the size of the 
local variables - 0x10. A pointer to that is passed to alloca.

If we go back to the druntime source code:

  *      ECX     address of variable with # of bytes in locals
  *              This is adjusted upon return to reflect the 
  *              size of the stack frame.

It is used in that function:
         // Copy down to [ESP] the temps on the stack.
         // The number of temps is (EBP - ESP - locals).
  // snip

sub     ECX,[EDX]       ; // ECX = number of temps (bytes) to 
         add     [EDX],ESI       ; // adjust locals by nbytes for 
next call to alloca()
  // snip
         rep                     ;
         movsd                   ;

So, instead of restoring the stack pointer upon function return 
like I did, this copies the relevant data that was pushed onto 
the stack to the new location, so a subsequent pop will find what 
it expects, then it adjusts the hidden local size variable so 
next time, it can repeat the process. Cool - that's something my 
solution wouldn't have done super easily (it totally could, just 
don't overwrite that variable once it is initialized).

I guess there is a better way than I had figured above :)

We can use that same trick the compiler did by declaring a local 
variable and moving the magic __LOCAL_SIZE (see: 
http://dlang.org/iasm.html ) value into it up front, then calling 
alloca exactly as the C does. The implementation can be the same 
as from druntime too.

That's why it is a magic function: it needs to put the stack how 
it expects, somehow. My way was to add a store. The way actually 
used in druntime is to store the size of the locals in a hidden 
variable. Either way, if you do an iasm alloca yourself, you'll 
have to account for it as well.

Otherwise, remember to store the right pointer and allocate the 
right number of bytes and you've got it.

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