A little of coordination for Rosettacode

Ali Çehreli acehreli at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 26 06:54:04 PST 2014

On 02/26/2014 03:24 AM, bearophile wrote:

 > Ali Çehreli:
 >> Improve at will! :p
 > I will mostly just uniform its formatting to all the other Rosettacode
 > entries, shorten the lines to 72 chars, etc.
 >>                 synchronized {
 >>                     // Switch to the next printer
 >>                     printers = printers[1..$];
 >>                 }
 > This doesn't work:
 > printers.popFront();

I've noticed that too. ;) And I am not sure why the slicing syntax works 
because the 'printers' member is still shared then.

 >>     void print(string line)
 >>     {
 >>         enforce(ink != 0, new OutOfInk);
 >>         writefln("%s: %s", id, line);
 >>         --ink;
 >>     }
 >> }
 >> struct PrinterRendezvous
 >> ...
 >>             try {
 >>                 synchronized {
 >> (cast(Printer)printers.front).print(lines.front);
 >>                 }
 > It it a good idea to define Printer.print like this to remove that cast?
 > void print(string line) shared

I had that at one point but then I could not convince myself that 
Printer.print should be a shared member function. How do we know at 
design time that every Printer would be shared? I thought that Printer 
should be as simple as possible and that shared should be handled by a 
higher-level code. Then the code became ugly like that. :)

I need more experience. :-/

 > Bye,
 > bearophile


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