WeakRefs for a CPP->D wrapper

Abdulhaq alynch4047 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 12 13:27:22 PST 2014

On Sunday, 12 January 2014 at 16:17:23 UTC, MGW wrote:
> Maybe this will be useful in the work:
> Compile
>     Windows: dmd st1.d
>       Linux: dmd st1.d -L-ldl
> // ---------------------------------------
> // MGW 05.01.14
> // Model in D a C++ object QByteArray of Qt.
> //--------------------------------------------
> import core.runtime;     // Load  DLL for Win
> import std.stdio;        // writeln
> version(linux) {
>     import core.sys.posix.dlfcn;  // define dlopen() и dlsym()
>     // On Linux DMD v2.063.2, these functions are not defined 
> in core.runtime, so I had to write to.
>     extern (C) void* rt_loadLibrary(const char* name) { return 
> dlopen(name, RTLD_GLOBAL || RTLD_LAZY);  }
>     void* GetProcAddress(void* hLib, string nameFun) {  return 
> dlsym(hLib, nameFun.ptr);    }
> }
> version(Windows) {
> 	import std.c.windows.windows;  // GetProcAddress for Windows
> }
> // Warning!!!
> // When defining constructors and member functions attribute 
> "extern (C)" required!
> alias extern (C) void function(void*, char*)       
> t_QByteArray_QByteArray;  t_QByteArray_QByteArray  
> QByteArray_QByteArray;
> alias extern (C) void* function(void*, char, int)  
> t_QByteArray_fill;        t_QByteArray_fill        
> QByteArray_fill;
> //T he structure of the QByteArray from the file qbytearray.h 
> in the include directory. Because C++ inline functions missing 
> in DLL
> // there is no possibility to directly call a dozen functions.
> // If you look in C++ there definition is as follows:
> // inline char *QByteArray::data() { detach(); return d->data; 
> } where d is the Data*
> struct Data {
>         void* rref;
>         int   alloc;
>         int   size;
>         char* data;      // That's what we need, a pointer to 
> an array of bytes
>         char  array[1];
> }
> // == Experimental class DQByteArray ==
> class DQByteArray {
>     Data* QtObj;       // this is object: &QtObj -  size 4 byte 
> (32 os)
>     // ------------------
>     // constructor D called of a constructor C++
>     this(char* buf) {
>         QByteArray_QByteArray(&QtObj, buf);
>     }
>     ~this() {
>         // I can find a destructor, and here his record, but 
> too lazy to do it ....
>     }
>     // As inline function is not stored in a DLL have to model 
> it through the structure of the Data
>     char* data() {
>         return (*QtObj).data;
>     }
>     // D format: Data** == C++ format: QByteArray
>     // so it became clear that such a C++object, looking at it 
> from the D
>     void* fill(char ch, int resize=-1) {
>         return QByteArray_fill(&QtObj, ch, resize);
>     }
> }
> int main(string[] args) {
> // These files get QByteArray C++
> version(linux)   {    auto nameQtCore = "libQtCore.so";  }
> version(Windows) {    auto nameQtCore = "QtCore4.dll";   }
>     auto h = Runtime.loadLibrary(nameQtCore); // Loading dll or 
> so
>     // Load function constructor QByteArray::QByteArray(char*);
>     QByteArray_QByteArray = 
> cast(t_QByteArray_QByteArray)GetProcAddress(h, 
> "_ZN10QByteArrayC1EPKc");
>     // QByteArray::fill(char*, int);
>     QByteArray_fill = cast(t_QByteArray_fill)GetProcAddress(h, 
> "_ZN10QByteArray4fillEci");
>     // QByteArray::~QByteArray()
>     // Create our experimental subject and consider its data
>     DQByteArray ba = new DQByteArray(cast(char*)"ABC".ptr);
>     printf("\n ba.data() = %s", ba.data());
>     // Experience the action of the fill() and see the result
>     ba.fill('Z', 5);
>     printf("\n ba.data() = %s", ba.data());
>     return 0;
> }

Hi yes I think noticed in another thread that you were wrapping 
Qt with dynamic loading of the qt libs, interesting idea - does 
your code allow subclassing of the Qt classes and overriding the 
virtual methods? I'm taking a much more traditional approach, but 
there is method in my madness :-)

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