std.prelude vs core library

Rikki Cattermole alphaglosined at
Thu Jan 16 19:37:02 PST 2014

On Thursday, 16 January 2014 at 19:54:45 UTC, Ross Hays wrote:
> I was reading about Rust and one thing that caught my attention 
> as interesting was the inclusion of std::prelude in the 
> beginning of every package. I was curious what the advantage of 
> this were versus having things declared in object.d for what 
> seems to be the same effect.
> Also after looking at the source code of Rust on Github, I 
> don't see anything in the runtime that mirrors the D core.* 
> modules. I know that it isn't required to be there, but I am 
> just curious why D took the approach of having some core 
> modules in the runtime? Is it just so Phobos doesn't need 
> ported in order for D to be ported to a new system?
> Sorry if these questions seem a bit out there, just trying to 
> learn some more about programming languages 
> design/implementation.
> Thanks,
> Ross

There is two libraries that go along with D by default. Druntime 
and Phobos.
Druntime's job is to make D work on a platform. This includes the 
garbage collector and basic types.

The core package you are referring to is provided by druntime[0]. 
Basically any common function that requires underlying 
interaction should occur here, by my understanding. Example, 

Where as phobos[1] does not contain any core functionality. Only 
helper types/functions to make things easy and hopefully 
idiomatic D style.

The documentation on the site may have it generated together i.e. 
the menu's but they are not together in repository and linking 
side of things.


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