Is it possible to store properties via opDispatch using tuples?

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at
Fri Jan 17 11:18:30 PST 2014

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 06:49:25PM +0000, Gary Willoughby wrote:
> In the example in my original post the types are known at compile
> time but they are different between properties. I wondered if there
> was a solution to storing and retrieving while preserving the
> original type via opDispatch.
> I have a working solution but it only stores the base type. So i f i
> have an inheritance chain like this:
> A -> B -> C
> I can store properties of type A, B and C but when i retrieve them
> they all come back as A because of array covariance. I wonder if
> there is a way of casting them automagically to the correct type.

Is it possible, at compile-time, to determine the type just from the
property name alone? If not (i.e., different class instances may have a
property named "abc" map to int or string, respectively), then this is
not possible, because the return type of opDispatch can only depend on
its compile-time parameter, that is, the property name.

If there's a compile-time procedure for determining the type of a
property solely from its name, then yes, this is possible. What you do
is to first determine the return type from the property name (at
compile-time!), hash the .mangleof of this type, and store an AA of AA's
of property values, with the outer AA keyed by the hash value.
Something like this:

	class MyClass {
		Variant[string][size_t] props;

		auto opDispatch(string ident)() {
			alias returnType = ... /* determine type from ident */;
			enum id = hashOf(T.mangleof); // unique ID for T

			return cast(returnType)props[id][ident];

The success of this depends on whether it's possible to determine the
return type from the property name (at compile-time), though. If that's
not possible, then this doesn't work.


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