Alternate signs in a range

Stanislav Blinov stanislav.blinov at
Sun Jan 26 06:46:42 PST 2014

On Sunday, 26 January 2014 at 14:29:54 UTC, matovitch wrote:

>> s/immutable/enum/
>> ?
> I am a *total* beginner so I am sure my code should look at 
> least strange to experts. How should I write this ? Why ?

I am not sure exactly what are you trying to achieve. My comment 
meant "ditch immutable, replace with enum" :) Also ditch array() 
calls. This compiles:

import std.array;
import std.range;
import std.traits;
import std.algorithm;

template isBernstein(alias K) {
     enum bool isBernstein = (K.empty || 

struct Bernstein(alias K, int S) if (isBernstein!K)
     enum kernel = K;
     enum shift = S;

template reverse(alias B)
     alias reverse = Bernstein!(retro(B.kernel), -(B.shift + 
cast(int)B.kernel.length - 1));

template alternate(alias B)
     alias alternate = Bernstein!(map!(a => a[0] * 
a[1])(zip(B.kernel, cycle([-1, 1]))), B.shift);

void main() {
     alias haar_scale = alternate!(Bernstein!([1.,1.], 0));


I don't know if it works as intended though.

> ps : It seems the compiler lost the type information when 
> unpacking the tuple ?

Which tuple?

> This code doesn't compile :
> template alternate(alias B)
> {
>     alias alternate = Bernstein!(
>         array(map!(a => a[0])(zip(B.kernel, cycle([-1, 1])))),
>         B.shift);
> }

It does for me.

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