[dmd 2.066] Is scope with nothrow regression?

via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Sun Jul 6 06:04:34 PDT 2014

On Sunday, 6 July 2014 at 12:31:42 UTC, NCrashed wrote:
> ```
> void bar()
> {
> 	throw new Exception("");
> }
> void foo() nothrow
> {
> 	scope(failure) {}
> 	bar();
> }
> void main() {}
> ```
> Doesn't compile with 2.066:
> ```
> source/app.d(9): Error: 'app.bar' is not nothrow
> source/app.d(6): Error: function 'app.foo' is nothrow yet may 
> throw
> ```

This is not an error. `scope(failure)` doesn't swallow the 
exceptions it catches, it rethrows them when it's done.

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