
ddos via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Thu Jul 17 13:35:26 PDT 2014

for example and learning purpose i want to create an arithmetic 
vector class.

for a vector of arbitrary size i defined my opBinary like this:

class TVector(T,int n)
   T[n] val;

   TVector opBinary(string op)(TVector rhs)
     auto tmp = 
     T[n] v = tmp[];
     return new TVector!(T,n)(v);

now assume i do often need TVector!(T,4) in my program, and i 
want to optimize this implementation, is it possible to write a 
specialized implementation for methods of TVectors with the 
specific template parameters?

e.g.: (not working)

class TVector!(T,4)
   TVector4!(T) opBinary(string op)(TVector4!(T) rhs)
     static if (op == "+")
       return new TVector4!T( [val[0]+rhs.val[0],
     else static assert(0, "Operator "~op~" not implemented");

one possible solution would be a static if, like this:

TVector opBinary(string op)(TVector rhs)
   static if(n == 4)
     // fast impl for n==4
     // old impl

but i'd like to avoid this since it makes the code very ugly to 

any suggestions :) ?

thx for your help, greetings from vienna, austria :)

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