DMD fail when using both reflection and UDA

bioinfornatics via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sun Jun 1 09:02:47 PDT 2014

DMD (dmdfe 2.066) fail when i use UDA which store a delegate

code below works if i remove @section UDA otheswise it give this

dmd: statement.c:714: ErrorStatement::ErrorStatement(): Assertion
`global.gaggedErrors || global.errors' failed.

is a bug  ?

------- CODE also on dpaste
import std.stdio;
import std.typecons : Tuple;
import std.typetuple : Filter;

struct attribute{}

struct section( alias start, alias end)
      alias checkStart = start;
      alias checkEnd = end;

template hasSection(T)
      static bool helper()
          foreach(memberName; __traits(allMembers, T))
              foreach(attr; __traits(getAttributes,
__traits(getMember, T, memberName)))
                  static if(is(attr == Section))
                      return true;
          return false;

      enum hasSection = helper();

struct Data{
      @section!( ( words ) =>  words[0] == '@'                 , (
words ) =>  words[0] == '\n' )
      string a;
      @section!( ( words ) =>  words[0] > 63 && words[0] <115  , (
words ) =>  words[0] == '\n' )
      string b;
      @section!( ( words ) =>  words[0] == '+'                 , (
words ) =>  words[0] == '\n' )
      string c;

template toTuple(T){
      static string maker(){
          string statement = "alias toTuple = Tuple!(";
          foreach(const memberName; __traits(allMembers, T)){
              //~ mixin(`alias f = Filter!(hasSection,
__traits(getAttributes, T.` ~ memberName ~ `));`);
              statement ~=  typeof(__traits(getMember, T,
memberName)).stringof  ~ ",\"" ~ memberName ~ "\", " ;
          statement = statement[0..$-2] ~ ") ;" ; // $-2 to remove
extra comma
          return statement;
      mixin( maker() );

void main()
      alias A = toTuple!Data;
      A a;
      a[0] = 1;
      a.x = 1;

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