DerelictAL Symbol undefined

Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon May 19 08:15:37 PDT 2014

On 5/19/2014 10:59 PM, Jack wrote:
> Code:
> Error code is this:
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined
> _D3std7windows8syserror14sysErrorStringFNekZAya
> --- errorlevel 1
> I'm currently using Xamarin Studio and the compiler spewed this
> error out.
> I searched around and it said that it had to do with my phobos
> installation...
> Though my previous project(that used curl and a sql driver)
> worked without a problem whatsoever. Anyone can point me to the
> right direction?

These sort of errors often occur when you are linking with libraries 
that are compiled with a different version of DMD (though, usually, they 
involve the Object class or ModuleInfo).

There are a number of possible causes. Maybe someone more familiar with 
MonoD has seen a similar issue. I haven't, so I can really do is guess. 
However, there are several things you can check on your end in the meantime.

Some possibilities off the top of my head...

I understand that MonoD can use dub to manage the project. Is that what 
you are doing here? If not, did you build the Derelict libraries from 
the command line? Do you have multiple versions of DMD installed? Did 
you recently replace an older version with a newer one? Are you able to 
compile the file from the command line (assuming you have dub installed, 
set up a simple dub.json and try it out)?

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