Question about @nogc

anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue May 20 14:04:37 PDT 2014

On Tuesday, 20 May 2014 at 20:15:09 UTC, Dominikus Dittes Scherkl
> /// create a fixed size array with the given name and with 
> *max* entries

max + 1 entries

> /// of immutable values of the same type as the return value of 
> the
> /// given function.
> /// it contains the values of that function in the range 
> [0..max].
> string makeLookupTable(alias fn, uint max=255)(string name) 
> pure @safe if(is(typeof(fn(max))))
> {
>    string table = "immutable " ~ to!string(typeof(fn(max))) ~ 
> "[" ~ to!string(max+1) ~ "] " ~ name ~"= [ ";
>    foreach(i; 0..max) table ~= to!string(fn(i) ~ ", ";
>    return table ~ to!string(fn(max) ~" ]";
> }

Couldn't resist purging that of the string fiddling:

private template staticIota(uint n)
      import std.typetuple: TypeTuple;
      static if(n == 0) alias staticIota = TypeTuple!();
      else alias staticIota = TypeTuple!(.staticIota!(n - 1), n -

template lookupTable(alias fn, uint max = 255)
      import std.traits: ReturnType;
      import std.typetuple: staticMap;
      static assert(max < uint.max);
      enum length = max + 1;
      enum ctfn(uint x) = fn(x);
      alias elements = staticMap!(ctfn, staticIota!length);
      enum ReturnType!fn[length] lookupTable = [elements];

void main()
      char f(uint x) pure @safe {return x == 42 ? '!' : '.';}
      static immutable t = lookupTable!f;
      static assert(is(typeof(t) == immutable char[256]));
      assert(t[42] == '!');

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