object hijacked ?

Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Thu Oct 9 12:58:03 PDT 2014

I have a file named "Object.d", in a directory called "foo". The module 
name of this file is "foo.Object". As it happens, I'm using OS X which 
uses a case insensitive file system. I also have another file, say 
"Bar.d" in "foo", with the module name "foo.Bar". When I try to 
compile/run Bar.d with rdmd as follows:

rdmd foo/Bar.d

I get a lot of errors like "undefined identifier string" and "undefined 
identifier size_t" from some modules in druntime and Phobos. If I rename 
"foo/Object.d" to "foo/Object2.d", leaving the module name as 
"foo.Object" everything works as expected.

WAT?? I thought D's module system would prevent mistakes like this. Is 
this the expected behavior? I think the issue is that "rdmd" adds a 
flag, "-Ifoo", when running dmd to get the dependencies. But the module 
system should still prevent it. It seems like the compiler uses the 
filename instead of the declared module name as the module name.

/Jacob Carlborg

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