ini library in OSX

Joel via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue Sep 9 20:48:20 PDT 2014

How do you use this ini file parser?


module rangeini;

import std.stdio: File, writeln;
import std.range;
import std.algorithm: canFind;
import std.string: strip, splitLines;
import std.traits: Unqual;
import std.conv: text;

struct ConfigItem {
	string section;
	string key;
	string value;

private struct ConfigItems(Range,string kvSeparators=":=",string 
	Unqual!Range _input;
	string currentSection = "GLOBAL";

	this(Unqual!Range r) {
		_input = r;

	@property bool empty() {
		return _input.empty;
	@property void popFront() {
	@property auto front() {
		auto line = _input.front;
		foreach(uint i, const c; line) {
			if (kvSeparators.canFind(c)) {
				auto key   = line[0..i];
				auto value = line[i+1..$];
				return ConfigItem(currentSection, key.idup, value.idup);
		return ConfigItem(currentSection, line.idup, "");
	private void skipNonKeyValueLines() {
		while(!_input.empty) {
			auto line = strip(_input.front);
			if (line == "" || isComment(line)) {
			if (line[0] == '[' && line[$-1] == ']') { /* section start */
				currentSection = line[1..$-1].idup;
	private static bool isComment(in char[] line) pure @safe {
		assert (line != "");
		auto c = line[0];
		if (commentChars.canFind(c)) return true;
		return false;

auto parseINIlines(Range)(Range r) if 
	return ConfigItems!(Range)(r);

auto parseINI(string data)
	return data.splitLines.parseINIlines;

auto parseINI(File fh)
	return fh.byLine.parseINIlines;

unittest {
	auto data = "
general section=possible
[Simple Values]
spaces in keys=allowed
spaces in values=allowed as well
spaces around the delimiter = obviously
you can also use : to delimit keys from values

[All Values Are Strings]
values like this: 1000000
or this: 3.14159265359
are they treated as numbers? : no
integers, floats and booleans are held as: strings
can use the API to get converted values directly: true

[Multiline Values]
[No Values]
empty string value here =

[You can use comments]
# like this
; or this

# By default only in an empty line.
# Inline comments can be harmful because they prevent users
# from using the delimiting characters as parts of values.
# That being said, this can be customized.

     [Sections Can Be Indented]
         can_values_be_as_well = True
         does_that_mean_anything_special = False
         purpose = formatting for readability
         # Did I mention we can indent comments, too?";
	foreach(item; parseINI(data)) {
		writeln("[*", text(item), "*]");

int main() { return 0; }

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