Array initialization with Struct templates

WhatMeWorry via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon Aug 31 20:55:26 PDT 2015

Thanks for all the above suggestions, but after many hour of 
re-reading Ali's book on template, structs, and mixins, I still 
in the woods.  I've tried two approaches:

================ Templatetized struct 

struct Chameleon(T, Purpose p)
     static if (p == Purpose.POSITIONAL)
         struct Positional { T  x, y, z; }
     else static if (p == Purpose.COLOR)
         struct Color_No_Alpha { T  r, g, b; }

struct VertexData
     Chameleon!(float, purpose.POSITIONAL)  position;
     Chameleon!(float, purpose.COLOR)  color;

alias Vert = VertexData;
alias Pos = VertexData.position;
alias RGB = VertexData.color;

VertexData[] vertices =
     VertexData( Pos(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), RGB(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))  // 
Compiler error

Error: struct Chameleon does not overload ()

Is this the overloading of the default constructor? Can't I use 
it?  I'm I calling it incorrectly?

======================  The Mixin Template approach 

mixin template Chameleon(T, Purpose p)
     static if (p == Purpose.POSITIONAL)
         struct Positional { T  x, y, z; }
     else static if (p == Purpose.COLOR)
         struct Color_No_Alpha { T  r, g, b; }

struct VertexData
     mixin Chameleon!(float, purpose.POSITIONAL)  position;
     mixin Chameleon!(float, purpose.COLOR)  color;

alias Vert = VertexData;
alias Pos = VertexData.position;
alias RGB = VertexData.color;

VertexData[] vertices =
     VertexData( Pos(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), RGB(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

returns  Error: function expected before (), not mixin 
Chameleon!(float, cast(Purpose)0) position;

And like above, I'm clueless.

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