Virtual functions and inheritance

David Monagle via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon Jan 26 20:38:57 PST 2015

Hi guys,

I'm a former C++ developer and really enjoying working with D 
now. I have a question that I hope some of you may be able to 

class Parent {
   @property string typeName() {
     return typeof(this).stringof;

class Child : Parent {

void main() {
   auto p = new Parent;
   auto c = new Child;
   assert(p.typeName == "Parent");
   assert(p.typeName == "Child");

I'm looking for an explanation as to why this doesn't work, then 
a suggestion for how I may achieve child classes being able to 
generate a string description of their own type, without 
redefining the typeName property on each child. (I'm currently 
solving this with a mixin, but I was hoping for a better solution.

I'm assuming it doesn't work because either typeof(this) or 
.stringof is evaluated at compile time?

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