Purity not enforced for default arguments?

Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Tue Mar 10 14:56:38 PDT 2015

The following code fails to compile because unpredictableSeed is 

     void main()
         foreach(i; 0..10) writeln(pureRandom);

     pure uint pureRandom()
         auto r = Random(unpredictableSeed);
         return r.front;

However, make unpredictableSeed a default argument, wrap the call 
in another pure function, and it compiles:

     void main()
         foreach(i; 0..10) writeln(pureRandom2);

     pure uint pureRandom2()
         return pureRandom;

     pure uint pureRandom(uint seed = unpredictableSeed)
         auto r = Random(seed);
         return r.front;

I'm inclined to believe this is a bug. While pureRandom could be 
considered weakly pure, pureRandom2 has no arguments so it should 
be strongly pure. Yet, it yields a different value on every call.

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