what is wrong with this code??

steven kladitis via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Sat Oct 17 07:17:23 PDT 2015

import std.string, std.typecons, std.exception, 
import std.traits: hasIndirections;

struct GrowableCircularQueue(T) {
     public size_t length;
     private size_t first, last;
     private T[] A = [T.init];

     this(T[] items...) pure nothrow @safe {
         foreach (x; items)

     @property bool empty() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
         return length == 0;

     @property T front() pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
         assert(length != 0);
         return A[first];

     T opIndex(in size_t i) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
         assert(i < length);
         return A[(first + i) & (A.length - 1)];

     void push(T item) pure nothrow @safe {
         if (length >= A.length) { // Double the queue.
             immutable oldALen = A.length;
             A.length *= 2;
             if (last < first) {
                 A[oldALen .. oldALen + last + 1] = A[0 .. last + 
                 static if (hasIndirections!T)
                     A[0 .. last + 1] = T.init; // Help for the GC.
                 last += oldALen;
         last = (last + 1) & (A.length - 1);
         A[last] = item;

     @property T pop() pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
         assert(length != 0);
         auto saved = A[first];
         static if (hasIndirections!T)
             A[first] = T.init; // Help for the GC.
         first = (first + 1) & (A.length - 1);
         return saved;

const struct Board {
     private enum El { floor = ' ', wall = '#', goal = '.',
                       box = '$', player = '@', boxOnGoal='*' }
     private alias CTable = string;
     private immutable size_t ncols;
     private immutable CTable sData, dData;
     private immutable int playerx, playery;

     this(in string[] board) immutable
     in {
         foreach (const row; board) {
             assert(row.length == board[0].length,
                    "Unequal board rows.");
             foreach (immutable c; row)
                 assert(c.inPattern(" #.$@*"), "Not valid input");
     } body {
         /*static*/ immutable sMap =
             [' ':' ', '.':'.', '@':' ', '#':'#', '$':' '];
         /*static*/ immutable dMap =
             [' ':' ', '.':' ', '@':'@', '#':' ', '$':'*'];
         ncols = board[0].length;
         writeln("ncols =",ncols);
         int plx = 0, ply = 0;
         CTable sDataBuild, dDataBuild;

         foreach (immutable r, const row; board)
             foreach (immutable c, const ch; row) {
                 sDataBuild ~= sMap[ch];
                 dDataBuild ~= dMap[ch];
                 if (ch == El.player) {
                     plx = c;
                     ply = r;
//               writeln("c ch row ",c," ",ch," ",row);
//               writeln("board =>",board);

         this.sData = sDataBuild;
         this.dData = dDataBuild;
         this.playerx = plx;
         this.playery = ply;

     private bool move(in int x, in int y, in int dx,
                       in int dy, ref CTable data)
     const pure nothrow /*@safe*/ {
         if (sData[(y + dy) * ncols + x + dx] == El.wall ||
             data[(y + dy) * ncols + x + dx] != El.floor)
             return false;

         auto data2 = data.dup;
         data2[y * ncols + x] = El.floor;
         data2[(y + dy) * ncols + x + dx] = El.player;
         data = data2.assumeUnique; // Not enforced.
         return true;

     private bool push(in int x, in int y, in int dx,
                       in int dy, ref CTable data)
     const pure nothrow /*@safe*/ {
         if (sData[(y + 2 * dy) * ncols + x + 2 * dx] == El.wall ||
             data[(y + 2 * dy) * ncols + x + 2 * dx] != El.floor)
             return false;

         auto data2 = data.dup;
         data2[y * ncols + x] = El.floor;
         data2[(y + dy) * ncols + x + dx] = El.player;
         data2[(y + 2 * dy) * ncols + x + 2*dx] = El.boxOnGoal;
         data = data2.assumeUnique; // Not enforced.
         return true;

     private bool isSolved(in CTable data)
     const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
         foreach (immutable i, immutable d; data)
             if ((sData[i] == El.goal) != (d == El.boxOnGoal))
                 return false;
         return true;

     string solve() pure nothrow /*@safe*/ {
         bool[immutable CTable] visitedSet = [dData: true];

         alias Four = Tuple!(CTable, string, int, int);
         GrowableCircularQueue!Four open;
         open.push(Four(dData, "", playerx, playery));

         static immutable dirs = [tuple( 0, -1, 'u', 'U'),
                                  tuple( 1,  0, 'r', 'R'),
                                  tuple( 0,  1, 'd', 'D'),
                                  tuple(-1,  0, 'l', 'L')];

         while (!open.empty) {
             //immutable (cur, cSol, x, y) = open.pop;
             immutable item = open.pop;
             immutable cur = item[0];
             immutable cSol = item[1];
             immutable x = item[2];
             immutable y = item[3];

             foreach (immutable di; dirs) {
                 CTable temp = cur;
                 //immutable (dx, dy) = di[0 .. 2];
                 immutable dx = di[0];
                 immutable dy = di[1];

                 if (temp[(y + dy) * ncols + x + dx] == 
El.boxOnGoal) {
                     if (push(x, y, dx, dy, temp) && temp !in 
visitedSet) {
                         if (isSolved(temp))
                             return cSol ~ di[3];
                         open.push(Four(temp, cSol ~ di[3], x + 
dx, y + dy));
                         visitedSet[temp] = true;
                 } else if (move(x, y, dx, dy, temp) && temp !in 
visitedSet) {
                     if (isSolved(temp))
                         return cSol ~ di[2];
                     open.push(Four(temp, cSol ~ di[2], x + dx, y 
+ dy));
                     visitedSet[temp] = true;

         return "No solution";

void main() {
     import std.stdio;
     GC.disable; // Uses about twice the memory.

     immutable level =
####  #####
#        ##
#.$***** ##
#   @# * ##
###### * ##
###### * ##
###### * ##
######   ##
######   ##

     immutable b = immutable(Board)(level.splitLines);
     writeln(level, "\n\n", b.solve);
// it thows a range exception and I am trying to figure it out.

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