Stupid question about AA. The following code works but I don't undrstand why?!

ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat Apr 9 11:27:11 PDT 2016

On Saturday, 9 April 2016 at 18:06:52 UTC, Uranuz wrote:
> Thanks. It's clear now. AA holds not `array struct` itself 
> inside, but pointer to it.

How the array is stored in the AA doesn't matter, as far as I can 
see. The point is that you obtain a pointer to the array struct 
in the AA, not a copy.

If you had tried it like the following, mapElem would be a copy 
of the array struct in the AA, and the append would not affect 
string[] mapElem = "item" in mapka ? mapka["item"] : 
(mapka["item"] = []);
mapElem ~= ["dog", "cat", "horse", "penguin", "fish", "frog"];

> So reallocation affects ptr to allocated memory but not pointer 
> to `array struct`. I think that's it.


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