[Semi-OT] I don't want to leave this language!

ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Thu Dec 8 03:09:12 PST 2016

On Thursday, 8 December 2016 at 10:49:40 UTC, Chris wrote:
> The "hard way" (no runtime/Phobos/GC) should not be the default 
> and I hope that nobody is seriously suggesting this. It should 
> be available in case anyone needs it. I dare doubt, however, 
> that C/C++ programmers will take to D like ducks take to water 
> because of it.

especially considering that nobody in c++ land really talking 
about "we should drop c++ runtime". yes, in case somebody doesn't 
know, c++ also has runtime. and c too, by the way.

some people in c++ land avoiding using c++ features that require 
runtime (stl, rtti, etc.), but majority of programmers are ok 
with runtime. the very same is true for D. saying that "D will be 
more attractive to C++ programmers if we will remove runtime" 
is... i can't even find a word to describe it.

what can be done, tho, is article (or series of articles) 
describing what exactly druntime is, how it is compared to libc 
and libc++, why it doesn't hurt at all, how to do "bare metal" 
with custom runtime, why GC is handy (and how to limit GC impact 
if that is necessary), and so on. that is something D Foundation 
should do, i believe.

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