arsd.cgi - maximum length of form post

Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Thu Dec 15 07:52:12 PST 2016

Well, I can reproduce the error now, the buffer it is getting is 
too long for some reason. Probably a slicing error that doesn't 
show up with smaller payloads.

I should have a fix today though.

BTW, interestingly, the more complex codepath for uploads does 
work fine (add enctype="multipart/form-data" to your HTML form to 
trigger it, you don't actually have to do an upload, that attr is 
enough) so you can do that as a work around in the mean time.

I prolly just actually tested large uploads and never did large 
normal submissions with the embedded server.

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