Confusion regarding struct lifecycle

Matt Elkins via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon Feb 15 18:09:15 PST 2016

I've been bitten again by my lack of understanding of the D 
struct lifecycle :-/. I managed to reduce my buggy program to the 
following example:

import std.stdio;

struct Foo
     @disable this();
     @disable this(this);

     this(int valueIn) {value = valueIn;}
     ~this() {writeln("Foo being destroyed: ", value);}

     int value;

struct FooList
     @disable this();
     @disable this(this);

         writeln("Before 8");
         foos[0] = Foo(8);
         writeln("Before 1");
         foos[1] = Foo(1);
         writeln("Before 2");
         foos[2] = Foo(2);
         writeln("Before 3");
         foos[3] = Foo(3);
         writeln("After Foo construction");

     Foo[5] foos;

     auto fooList = FooList(0);
     writeln("About to lose scope");

Before 8
Before 1
Foo being destroyed: 0
Before 2
Foo being destroyed: 0
Before 3
Foo being destroyed: 0
After Foo construction
About to lose scope
Foo being destroyed: 0
Foo being destroyed: 3
Foo being destroyed: 2
Foo being destroyed: 1
Foo being destroyed: 8

There are a few things which confuse me about this:
* Why does this code compile? In particular, I would have 
expected that with Foo[5] but initialization for only Foos 0 .. 3 
and with the @disabled constructors in Foo, there would be a 
compiler error.
* Where do those first three destroyed Foos come from? I thought 
there should have been no Foos existing since default 
construction is @disabled...
* Even if somehow the Foos are being created despite the 
@disabled default constructor, why are only three Foos being 
destroyed before the scope is lost?

So I guess what I'm wondering is:
* If I @disable a default constructor on a struct, does the 
language guarantee that I won't have default-constructed 
instances of that struct? If not, what is the point of @disable 
for default constructors? If so, is the above situation a 
compiler bug or something I am missing?
* Is the below the right general syntax for creating an instance 
of a struct so as to avoid creating more than one copy? If not, 
what is?

Stack variable: auto foo = Foo(5);
Member variable: Foo m_foo; this(/* args */) {m_foo = Foo(5);}


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