Operator overloading - operations on slices

abad via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Thu Jan 21 03:15:22 PST 2016

I am trying to create a generic interface to arrays. Most 
operations except those on elements of slices.


class Table(T) {
         T[] data;

         this(T[] data) {
                 this.data = data;

         auto ref opSlice(size_t x, size_t y) {
                 return new Table!(T)(data[x .. y]);

         void opIndexAssign(T value) {
                 data[] = value;

         void opIndexAssign(T value, size_t idx) {
                 data[idx] = value;

         void opAssign(T value) {

         auto ref opIndexOpAssign(string op)(T value, size_t idx) {
                 return mixin("data[idx] " ~ op ~ "= value");

int main(string[] args) {
         int[] data = new int[256];
         auto t = new Table!int(data);
         t[] = -1; // OK
         t[1 .. 3] = 5; // OK
         t[0] = 6; // OK
         t[4] += 7; // OK
         t[4..6] += 7; // FAIL, does not compile

Am I missing some specific overload or is this just not possible?

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