Variadic Tuple of Structs with Mixed Types

jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Fri Jul 8 15:33:31 PDT 2016

I'm trying to create a tuple of variadic length containing 
structs with mixed types. So for instance, given

struct Foo(T, U)
	T x;
	U y;

I want to create something like
Tuple!(Foo!(type1, type2), Foo!(type1, type3), ..., Foo!(type1, 
typeN)) x;

The bar function (below) is what I've tried to use to create it.

template bar(T, U...)
	if (U.length > 1)
	import std.meta : staticMap;
	template baz(A)
		import std.meta : AliasSeq;
		alias baz = AliasSeq!(T, A);
	alias V = staticMap!(baz, U);
	alias bar = staticMap!(Foo, V);

void main()
	import std.typecons : Tuple;

	Tuple!(bar!(int, float, int)) x;

My strategy was getting something like
AliasSeq!(AliasSeq!(type1, type2), AliasSeq!(type1, type3), ... )
and then I can staticMap over that with Foo in order to create 
the correct type.

However, I can't seem to get it working.

Any ideas?

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