canFind doesn't work on Array, replacing [] with array doesn't work, etc...

Joerg Joergonson via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat Jun 18 10:02:40 PDT 2016

Have working code that uses []. Trying to replace with Array!

1. Can't use make in field initialization. Complains about malloc 
in static context.

2. can't decrement the length. So Darr.length = Darr.length - 1; 
This means we can't remove the element easily. I see a removeBack 
but since I can't get the code to compile I don't know if this is 
a replacement. If so, why now allow setting the length?

can't set the length to 0. Why not? Why not just allow length to 
be set?

3. can't use canFind from algorithm. Complains it can't find a 
matching case. I tried many variations to get this to work.

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