Template-style polymorphism in table structure

data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Sun Sep 4 02:55:53 PDT 2016

I am trying to build a data table object with unrestricted column 
types. The approach I am taking is to build a generic interface 
BaseVector class and then a subtype GenericVector(T) which 
inherits from the BaseVector. I then to build a Table class which 
contains columns that is a BaseVector array to represent the 
columns in the table.

My main question is how to return GenericVector!(T) from the 
getCol() method in the Table class instead of BaseVector.

Perhaps my Table implementation somehow needs to be linked to 
GenericVector(T) or maybe I have written BaseTable instead and I 
need to do something like a GenericTable(T...). However, my 
previous approach created a tuple type data object but once 
created, the type structure (column type configuration) could not 
be changed so no addition/removal of columns.

import std.stdio : writeln, write, writefln;
import std.format : format;

interface BaseVector{
     BaseVector get(size_t);

class GenericVector(T) : BaseVector{
     T[] data;
     alias data this;
     GenericVector get(size_t i){
         return new GenericVector!(T)(data[i]);
     this(T[] arr){
         this.data = arr;
     this(T elem){
         this.data ~= elem;
     void append(T[] arr){
         this.data ~= arr;

     override string toString() const {
         return format("%s", data);

class Table{
     BaseVector[] data;
     // How to return GenericVector!(T) here instead of BaseVector
     BaseVector getCol(size_t i){
         return data[i];
     this(BaseVector[] x ...){
         foreach(col; x)
             this.data ~= col;
     this(BaseVector[] x){
         this.data ~= x;
     this(Table x, BaseVector[] y ...){
         this.data = x.data;
         foreach(col; y){
             this.data ~= col;
     void append(BaseVector[] x ...){
         foreach(col; x)
             this.data ~= x;

void main(){
     auto index = new GenericVector!(int)([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
     auto numbers = new GenericVector!(double)([1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 
4.4, 5.5]);
     auto names = new GenericVector!(string)(["one", "two", 
"three", "four", "five"]);
     Table df = new Table(index, numbers, names);
     // I'd like this to be GenericVector!(T)

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