Passing anonymous enums as function parameters

kerdemdemir kerdemdemir at
Sun Dec 17 12:47:26 UTC 2017

What I meant with anonymous enums was: Maybe I 
couldn't explain well but I believe D have anonymous enums. I am 
sorry I have forgotten to remove " :string" in my example from 
the "enum : string". Please stretch out ": string" part my 
problem is not related with that.

I am not sure if it is a good one but I found a solution for my 

double ReturnCoolNess(U)( U enumVal )
   switch (enumVal)
	case KErdem:
		return 0.0
	case Ali:
		return 100.0;	
	case Salih:
		return 100.0;	
         // etc..

ReturnCoolNess(KErdem); ---> Compiles

> D does not have anonymous enums. Either you're declaring an 
> enum which creates a new type and therefore has a name and a 
> base type, or you're just creating manifest constants that 
> don't create a new type. e.g.
> enum MyEnum : string
> {
>     a = "hello",
>     b = "foo",
>     c = "dog",
>     d = "cat"
> }
> vs
> enum string a = "hello";
> enum string b = "foo";
> enum string c = "dog";
> enum string d = "cat";
> or
> enum a = "hello";
> enum b = "foo";
> enum c = "dog";
> enum d = "cat";
> If you want a function to accept values that aren't tied to a 
> specific enum, then just have the function take the base type.
> Now, within sections of code, you can use the with statement to 
> reduce how often you have to use the enum type's name, e.g.
> with(MyEnum) switch(enumVal)
> {
>     case a: { .. }
>     case b: { .. }
>     case c: { .. }
>     case d: { .. }
> }
> but you can't have an enum without a name or just choose not to 
> use an enum's name. With how enums work in D, there's really no 
> point in having them if you're not going to treat them as their 
> own type or refer to them via the enum type's name. If that's 
> what you want to do, then just create a bunch of manifest 
> constants.
> - Jonathan M Davis

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