Array start index

Bastiaan Veelo via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon Feb 6 15:00:35 PST 2017

(There is an honest question in the end, please read on.)

All good reasons set aside, both in favour and against 0-based 
arrays, the only reason that is relevant to me right now is that 
we are seriously looking into translating close to a million 
lines of foreign code to D, from a language that supports arrays 
over arbitrary ranges of indices (positive and negative). 
Adapting this much program logic to a different array base is out 
of the question; this is an engineering application and lives are 
at stake. So let's not bring the base-arguments back into this 
sub-thread but focus on a performant solution.

Expanding on Marc's outset, I now have:

  * A fixed-length array with an index that runs from $(D_PARAM 
  * to $(D_PARAM last) inclusive.
  * Indices are converted, which involves a small overhead.
struct StaticArray(T, ptrdiff_t first, ptrdiff_t last) {
     T[last - first + 1] _payload;

     alias _payload this;

     // Support e = arr[5];
     ref T opIndex(ptrdiff_t index) {
         assert(index >= first);
         assert(index <= last);
         return _payload[index - first];

     // Support arr[5] = e;
     void opIndexAssign(U : T)(auto ref U value, ptrdiff_t index) {
         assert(index >= first);
         assert(index <= last);
         _payload[index - first] = value;

     // Support foreach(e; arr).
     int opApply(scope int delegate(ref T) dg)
         int result = 0;

         for (int i = 0; i < _payload.length; i++)
             result = dg(_payload[i]);
             if (result)
         return result;

     // Support foreach(i, e; arr).
     int opApply(scope int delegate(ptrdiff_t index, ref T) dg)
         int result = 0;

         for (int i = 0; i < _payload.length; i++)
             result = dg(i + first, _payload[i]);
             if (result)
         return result;

     // Write to binary file.
     void toFile(string fileName)
         import std.stdio;
         auto f = File(fileName, "wb");
         if (f.tryLock)

unittest {
     StaticArray!(int, -10, 10) arr;
     assert(arr.length == 21);

     foreach (ref e; arr)
         e = 42;
     assert(arr[-10] == 42);
     assert(arr[0]   == 42);
     assert(arr[10]  == 42);

     foreach (i, ref e; arr)
         e = i;
     assert(arr[-10] == -10);
     assert(arr[0]   ==   0);
     assert(arr[5]   ==   5);
     assert(arr[10]  ==  10);

     arr[5] = 15;
     assert(arr[5]   == 15);


(The first and last indices probably don't need to be template 
arguments, they could possibly be immutable members of the 
struct; But that is not what worries me now.)
The thing is that a small overhead is paid in opIndex() and 
opIndexAssign() (the other member functions are fine). I'd like 
to get rid of that overhead.

In "Numerical Recipes in C", section 1.2, Press et al. propose an 
easy solution using an offset pointer:

float b[4], *bb;
bb = b - 1;

Thus bb[1] through bb[4] all exist, no space is wasted nor is 
there a run-time overhead.

I have tried to adapt the internals of my struct to Press' 
approach, but it seems to me it is not that easy in D -- or I'm 
just not proficient enough. Can someone here show me how that 
could be done?


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