Can't understand if deallocation happens?

Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sun Jan 22 06:04:55 PST 2017

> str_ptr.ptr returns exactly the same thing as str.ptr or 
> (*str_ptr).ptr, a pointer to the contents. When you write 
> str_ptr, you print the pointer to the container.

So str.ptr is just shortcut?

Ok, but how to free memory from first located value (from `aaa`)?

I changed my code to next:

import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import core.memory;

void main()
     string str = "aaa".dup;
     string *str_ptr = &str;

     writeln("before: ", str_ptr.ptr);// address of structure
     writeln(*str_ptr.ptr); // address of data
     str = "bbbb"; // now writing to structure new data, so ptr 
would be point to them
     writeln("after: ", str_ptr.ptr);
     writeln("length: ", str_ptr.length);
     writeln("str_ptr point to: ", *str_ptr.ptr);

	writeln("before dealloc: ", str_ptr.length);
     //; // Error: function (void* p) is not callable using argument 
types (immutable(char)*)
     writeln("after dealloc: ", str_ptr.length);


But I can't call `` on string type, only on 
`char []`

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